Monday, April 15, 2013

This month's photo: Black and White ... but not in black and white

The theme, this month, is black and white but it was absolutely forbidden to take a photo in black and white! would have been too easy...

As per usual, I give you my thinking path to get to this photo:
First I thought about our wedding photos R's tux and my dress (don't assume it was white...) but I don't do private photos on the blog...
Apart from that no more ideas...
R suggested Rochester park in Singapore which has some unusual black and white houses and that was the official idea until we went on a trip to Australia.
R was working all day and tourism in Fremantle only kept me occupied for a day, so on the second day, I drove south to get to Penguin Island!

Now you know what I am going to say, penguins are the perfect black and white animals! These ones were particularly cute, they are the little penguins, only 30cm height, the smallest ones of the penguin specie. As they are at sea fishing during the day, I only managed to see one in the wild, the photos were mainly taken at the feeding session where the ones who are not ready to be re-introduced in the wild yet are kept.

Here's the photo for this month:

But I have a few more really cute ones which I could not keep away from you... And I also had to show how brave I was to get to the island (read the signs carefully) and there were a few more good looking animals (most of them black and white or black or white!)

Enough about my trip, here are some B&W links:

A bowl of oranges, A&G, Agrippine, A'icha, Akaieric, Akromax, Alban, Alexinparis, Alice Wonderland, Angélique, Anita, Anne, Anne Laure T, Arwen, Ava, Berliniquais, Bestofava, Blogoth67, Calamonique, Cara, Carine, Carnet d'escapades, Carnets d'images, Caro from London , Caro JulesetMoa, Carole In Australia, Caroline, Caterine, Cath la Cigale, Cekoline, Céliano, Céline in Paris, Champagne, Chat bleu, Cherrybee, Chloé, Christeav, Christelle, Christophe, Cindy Chou, Claire's Blog, Coco, Cocosophie, Cook9addict, Cricriyom from Paris, Dame Skarlette, DelphineF, Djoul, Dr. CaSo, E, El Padawan, Eloclemence, Elodie, Emma, Eurydice, Fanfan Raccoon, Filamots, flechebleu, François le Niçois, Frédéric, Galinette, Gilsoub, Gizeh, Guillaume, Happy Us, Hibiscus, Homeos-tasie, Hypeandcie, Isa ToutSimplement, Isaquarel, J'adore j'adhère, Joséphine ose, Josiane, Julie, Juriste-in-the-city , Karrijini, Krn, La Fille de l'Air, La Flaneuse, La Messine, La Nantaise, La Papotte, La Parigina, La voyageuse comtoise, LaGodiche, Lau* des montagnes, Laulinea, Laure, Laurent Nicolas, Lauriane, Lavandine, L'Azimutée, Les bonheurs d'Anne & Alex, Les voyages de Lucy, Les voyages de Seth et Lise, Leviacarmina, LisaDeParis, Louiki, Louisianne, Lucile et Rod, Lyonelk, M, M.C.O, magda627, Mamysoren, Marmotte, Mclw, Meyilo, Mimireliton, N, Narayan, Nicky, Nie, Ori, Pilisi, Raphaël, Renepaulhenry, scarolles-and-co , Sephiraph, Sinuaisons, Skipi, Solveig, Sophie Rififi, Stephane08, Tambour Major, Testinaute, Thalie, The Mouse, The Parisienne, Thib, Tuxana, Un jour, une vie et mon blog , Valérie, Violette, Viviane, Wolverine, Xavier Mohr, Xoliv'.


  1. Je n'aime pas les oiseaux en general mais je trouve quand meme les pingouins sympa!

    1. Bien d'accord mais ceux la sont irrésistible!:-)

  2. Sympa, ca rappelle madagascar le film.. On dirait Kowalski et ses compères..

    1. je crois qu'il va falloir que je regarde le film maintenant, jamis vu...

  3. Cute little pets. We have the same ones in Montreal, but inside.

    Excusez si je fais des fautes, je travaille mon anglais, lol. On a les mêmes dans une sorte de Zoo intérieur à Montréal. Mignons comme tout... Et franchement amoureux de leur soigneur-nourrisseur :)

  4. J'espère qu'ils ne sont pas névropathes... :D On s'attend à ce qu'ils nous fassent coucou !

  5. but but but... They're blue! The penguins on Phillip Island :). I remember I went there in 2006, didn't have a digital camera yet. Only a film point and shoot. I managed to get a few good shots that are now in a photo album :)

    1. Not Philip island, this one is called Penguin island...
      It's about 60km south of Perth and I can't remember the name of the towm Rohingham I think or something like that
      They looked pretty black to me

  6. Oh mince, un blog tout en anglais! ;-)

    1. Et oui, c'est pour faire travailler la langue de Shakespeare a mes parents ;-)

  7. en tout cas le sujet était ardu mais je trouve que beaucoup ont fait preuve d'imagination et de grand talent, suis enchantée de participer !

  8. Ces petites bêtes sont vraiment adorables ! Bien joué :)

  9. Ils sont attendrissants ces petits oiseaux, j'aime bien tes photos, bravo !

    1. Merci bien, j'avoue en avoir mis un peu plus que recommande ce mois ci, mais bon j'en ai choisi une en tant que photo du mois!

  10. Trop choux ! On aurait envie de les prendre pour faire des calins !

  11. Super mimi ces tites bestioles...
    Très sympa cette photo et bonne idée aussi....
