We have now been stuck in Singapore for a few WE, waiting for miss G to arrive so we are trying to occupy our time...
This Sunday afternoon was an artistic one, we made a trip to Gillman barracks, an old British military camp now occupied by art galleries. It was deserted! (Not just by the army, by viewers as well!) It's a bit in the middle of nowhere, close to some office towers, may be it gets busier during the week on evenings, who knows?
The buildings have some style and it's set in a nice green environment (excellent for mosquitoes proliferation as we were to discover later on at the bar!) and we found some interesting exhibitions.
First Edward Clydesdale Thomson and his distracted gardener
Then the weird Pilipino artist Riel Hilario who went to the big apple and got depressed as no one was into carving...
And Anthropos, a mix of 11 SE Asian artists.
We were allowed to walk bare feet on the little skulls!
The question remains about what they are trying to achieve; gallery owners did not seem to try selling anything, to advertise an artist would require a wider audience, I'm not sure really...
We were supposed to continue the visits and see a few more galleries but it took us too long to finish our glasses ;-)
Never mind, another day may be!